The Acapodcast will be back on June 8th!
Your ever dedicated host is going to be on vacation this week, so I’m shifting the entire podcast back a week. But I promise a spectacular Episode #10 on June 8th! I’m lining up a super-sized show full of hot new music. Let me know if you want your group to be a part of…
Show #8 will be LATE
This is just to let everyone know that due to some changes in my ‘recording studio’ my recording setup is all unplugged and scattered for a day or two, so this week’s show will be late. I actually record from my office in the after-hours, but due to renovation work, the gear is all unplugged…
Even less a consumer, even more a producer…
Just in time for me to start putting this week’s show together… Last week my iPod died. I had a 40GB black and white model that I sent back to apple twice for hard drive failures, both times under warrantee. And now it has gone a third time, but outside of the window of opportunity. …
The Acapodcast is back!
After being on hiatus for several months, the Acapodcast is back! We’ve got some new gear, some new groups, and some new setups (like this shiny new URL)! I hope to have some more good news in just a little bit. First, my thanks to Kevin Williams, who started the Acapodcast, and got things going.…