Well, it’s been a hectic two weeks around here, but it’s all good. I’ve got some new equipment set up, and some new music lined up, and this are rolling right along. This show was thrown together with less time than I would’ve liked. I had a whole show planned out, and then opted to set it aside in favor of one a little more appropriate to the Valentine’s Day holiday. It’s a bit early, but as I’m planning on putting out a new show every other Thursday, it was the best time to do this. I hope you enjoy. Go ahead and leave me feedback here, or e-mail me: chad (at) acapodcast.com. Here’s who was featured on this episode:
- The Bobs – Bee Bop I Love You
- Cadence – Perfect Kiss
- The House Jacks – Still By My Side
- Sock – Roofrack
- Five O’Clock Shadow – Hold Me For A While
- U. of Oregon’s On The Rocks – Something Like That
I apologize that Sock no longer seems to have a web site or be available for purchase. I’ll always try to make the group name link to their web site, and the song name link to the CD I found the track on. In some cases (like On The Rocks), the song came from a compilation album, but you can also find it on one of the group’s CDs. In this case, the song came from the 2006 Best Of Collegiate A cappella album, which as I mention on the show is full of amazing songs. It can also be found on On The Rocks’ album ‘Full Coverage’. It was also the only cover song on this show, originally performed by Tim McGraw.
I also need to apologize to On The Rocks, for not mentioning their full name during the show. I’ll mention that next show for those who may not read the show notes, but what happened was I clipped my own mic track too soon, and only got the school name out. Oh, and shame on me for mentioning that Sock was an English group, when they’re really Australian. I’ll have a better script next time, promise. I’ve gone on too long already, so here’s the show: